Charlotte County is emerging as one of the premiere places to live and visit on the west coast. As Charlotte County grows, it is imperative that our polices and practices contribute to the long-term health, enjoyment and availability of our water. The One Charlotte, One Water is plan that is a holistic approach and treats all water – our harbor, rivers, bays, canals, creeks, potable water, wastewater, stormwater, reclaimed water – as one water.
This plan considers the future and emphasizes a House-to-Harbor approach joining County government, regional agencies, and the citizens we serve to protect our water for future generations.
Current Events
A public meeting for input and discussion about the draft One Charlotte, One Water plan has been scheduled for 3pm on March 27, 2025 at the Ann & Chuck Dever Regional Park Recreation Center, 6961 San Casa Dr, Englewood. Learn about the background and purpose of the plan, proposed activities for water protection and improvement, and the next step in the process. Bring your questions and insights into how we can work for you and with you to protect our waters now and into the future.
Meetings and Public Input Opportunities
As the One Charlotte One Water Plan evolves, public guidance is key to understanding concerns about all our water resources. We encourage active participation by everyone as management of Charlotte County's water resources are planned. Past engagement events are listed on the Public Water Events Page.
Current Charlotte County Water Quality Monitoring initiatives
Charlotte County implemented the first phase of its county ambient monitoring in June 2022. The goal of Charlotte County's ambient monitoring program is to obtain information on the condition of surface waters flowing within Charlotte County. This is meant to supplement existing monitoring efforts in Charlotte Harbor and Lemon Bay, such as the monitoring programs maintained by the Coastal and Heartland National Estuary Partnership, and the Charlotte Harbor/Lemon Bay Aquatic Preserves just to name a few. This water quality monitoring program monitors local canals and waterways monthly. Information regarding the project and sample locations may be found via the following links:
Monitoring Sites Location Map Charlotte County WQ Monitoring Program Plan Data Dashboard
If you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations regarding any element of the county monitoring strategy, please contact
South Gulf Cove Monitoring Dashboard
Since 2009, the South Gulf Cove MSBU has been funding collection of quarterly samples at five locations in their area.
Please contact with any questions or comments about the South Gulf Cove Monitoring Dashboard.
Current Beaches and Waterways Status
- Red Tide Status Map
- Healthy Beaches Monitoring
- Beach Conditions Reporting System – Mote Marine Laboratories
- Charlotte County Health Alerts
- FDEP Water Quality Monitoring Events
- FDEP Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring
- Emergency Utilities Notices – Charlotte County Utilities Department
- FDOH Fish Consumption Advisories